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Robert Sidweber

What is the Effect of Divesting Marital Assets for “Marital Purposes”, on Equitable Distribution?

Do you know that payments a spouse makes from a marital account, during dissolution of marriage or divorce proceedings, for purposes “reasonably related to the marriage”, should not be included in the equitable distribution scheme and “charged against” the spending spouse, unless there is evidence that one spouse intentionally dissipated the asset for his/her own benefit?Read More »What is the Effect of Divesting Marital Assets for “Marital Purposes”, on Equitable Distribution?

Florida Supreme Court accepts Hahamovitch Prenuptial Agreement Case.

In the case of Hahamovitch v. Hahamovitch, Case No. 4D11-3369 (FL Dist. 4 Ct. App., Jan. 8, 2014) the Fourth District Court of Appeal requested that a controversial issue concerning the specific interpretation of Florida prenuptial agreements should be brought before and decided by the Florida Supreme Court. The specific and technical issue relates to a spouse’s right to claim an interest in the marital appreciation and growth of the other spouse’s assets, in light of certain waivers and language as contained in the Prenuptial Agreement previously executed by the parties. This case was eventually adjudicated by the 15th Judicial Circuit, Palm Beach County, with Sidweber & Weintraub, P.A. representing the Wife.Read More »Florida Supreme Court accepts Hahamovitch Prenuptial Agreement Case.